GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Omer Kilic, TweetEmbedded Systems Engineer at Erlang Solutions

Biography: Omer Kilic
Omer is an Embedded Systems Engineer working on Erlang Embedded, a Knowledge Transfer Partnership project in collaboration with University of Kent which aims to bring the benefits of concurrent systems development using Erlang to the field of embedded systems; through investigation, analysis, software development and evaluation.
Before joining Erlang Solutions, Omer was a a research student in the Embedded Systems Lab at the University of Kent, working on a reconfigurable heterogeneous computing framework as part of his PhD thesis (which he intends to submit soon)
Presentation: TweetThe Actor Model applied to the Raspberry Pi and the Embedded Domain
The Actor Model has interesting properties that could be used for dealing with complexities posed by modern embedded systems. Using actors as compositional units to describe these systems is a new proposal which stands out and challenges conventional approaches.
This talk will demonstrate how, creating a layered architecture for hardware modules and partitioning up complex systems in smaller units, testing becomes much easier, runtime errors are contained, and the architecture becomes maintainable.