GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Patrick Linskey, TweetSoftware Enthusiast and Collaborator at Cisco, Member of Program Advisory Board

Biography: Patrick Linskey
Since leaving Oracle last summer, Patrick has worked on a number of projects, ranging from traditional three-tier web and mobile applications to C# peer - to - peer client applications with custom-designed distributed storage solutions.
Patrick is member of GOTO Aarhus Program Advisory Board
Presentation: TweetProfessional Productivity - Part 1
Small talks of 15 minutes each.
Prioritization and how to make sure that you work on the most important thing each day
Bjorn Freeman-Benson
You have too much to do each day. In fact, you have too much to do even if you worked 24x7. The solution is both very simple to describe and very hard to implement in practice: Prioritize. The problem is that the easy stuff keeps taking precedence over the hard stuff. My advice is the same as many others' advice: Make Lists. The key to my advice is how to make those lists and how to establish the habit of using them.
Profiling applications with New Relic
Patrick Linskey
Once your product is up and running, how do you make sure it stays that way? How do you measure the experiences of your customers? How do you find bottlenecks in the system?
On our team, New Relic is a key part of the answer to all those questions. We'll take a look at the New Relic console for a running app to see how this all works.
Changing your habits and environment to get more professional productivity
Linda Rising
Those of us who struggle with complex problems for a living, unfortunately, don't have time to keep up with the enormous amount of research in cognitive science that would help us be better thinkers. Linda Rising will share one small but important bit of advice that she has uncovered--the power of movement. Some of what she will say will be surprising, even counterintuitive. Linda will report on the research and provide some tips for better thinking, problem-solving, and decision-making.