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James Montemagno, TweetDeveloper Evangelist at Xamarin

Biography: James Montemagno
James Montemagno is a Developer Evangelist at Xamarin. He has been a .NET developer for over a decade working in a wide range of industries including game development, printer software, and web services. Prior to becoming a Developer Evangelist, James was a professional mobile developer on the Xamarin platform for over 2 years, with several published apps on iOS, Android, and Windows. In his spare time he is most likely cycling around Seattle or guzzling gallons of coffee at a local coffee shop. He can be found on Twitter @JamesMontemagno and blogs code regularly on his personal blog www.MotzCod.esPresentation: TweetXamarin.Forms: Native iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps from ONE C# Codebase
Building cross-platform native UIs with one shared codebase was once just a dream. With Xamarin.Forms, this dream is now a reality. Xamarin.Forms allows you to build a native UI for three platforms with one shared C# codebase. Simply put, if you know C# then you already know how to build iOS, Android, and Windows Phone apps. Leverage the .NET Framework to build out your shared business logic including integration with web services and Azure Mobile Services and then build out your shared UI in C# or XAML. Xamarin.Forms also features a built-in two-way data binding, dependency service to help you implement platform-specific code, an advanced cross-platform animation system, support for custom controls, and lots of other powerful features to help you build the best apps possible in the least amount of time.
During this session we will cover the Xamarin platform and the brand new Xamarin.Forms library to share even more code across iOS, Android, and Windows Phone. Moreover, we will really focus on the code with several live coding adventures throughout the entire session. When you leave you will have the knowledge to create your first iOS, Android, and Windows Phone mobile apps in C# with Xamarin and Xamarin.Forms.
1. Learn how to apply C# and Visual Studio skills for mobile development .
2. Learn how the Xamarin.Forms library enables you to create a shared native UI on iOS, Android, and Windows Phone.
3. Learn how to take advantage of Xamarin.Forms XAML, data binding, animations, and more.