GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Ryan Salva, TweetSenior Program Manager at Microsoft

Biography: Ryan Salva
Ryan is a Senior Program Manager on the Visual Studio Client Tools team at Microsoft where he looks after HTML, CSS and JavaScript development. Today, he focuses primarily on mobile app development using web technologies and Apache Cordova. However, he comes from a 14 year career in web standards development & advocacy.
Presentation: TweetMobile Apps for the JavaScript Developer
If someone asked you to build an iOS or Android app, could you do it? Could you build a simple app in a day? What if you could do it all in JavaScript? In this session, we'll show how Apache Cordova opens the world of mobile app development to web developers. You'll learn what kind of apps are best-suited for the hybrid architecture and when to make the switch from web app to mobile app. You'll also walk away with a list of tools, tips and tricks you can use to make your first attempt at mobile app development a success.
Learn what kind of apps are best suited for Apache Cordova and when to use a "hybrid" architecture
Demonstrate how web developers can leverage their existing skills, tools and processes to build a mobile app deployed to all three major ecosystems: iOS, Android and Windows
Show how to use Cordova plugins to access native device capabilities like the camera
Address UX differences between the platforms
Share debugging tricks for mobile apps using HTML, CSS and JavaScript