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Yann Cluchey, TweetCTO & Director at Cogenta
Biography: Yann Cluchey
Yann Cluchey is the CTO at Cogenta and is responsible for delivering solutions to challenging customer requirements in a world of unstructured and constantly changing data. His background is in web technologies and has spent the last ten years working on distributed systems. He is passionate about beer, coffee and creating clever software to automate his work so he can spend more time drinking beer and coffee. His interests lie in databases and machine learning and is currently focusing on graph databases. He is also the organiser of the London Elasticsearch user group.
Presentation: TweetCogenta - Making Enterprise Data Available in Real Time with Elasticsearch
Cogenta is a retail intelligence company which tracks ecommerce web sites around the world to provide competitive monitoring and analysis services to retailers. Using its proprietary crawler technology, Lucene and SQL Server, a stream of 20 million raw product data entries is captured and processed each day. This case study looks at how Cogenta uses Elasticsearch to break the shackles imposed by the RDBMS (and a limited budget) to make the data available in real time to its customers.
Cogenta uses SQL as its canonical store & for complex reporting, and Elasticsearch for real-time processing & to drive its SaaS web applications. Elasticsearch is easy to use, delivers the powerful features of Lucene and enables the data & platform cost to scale linearly. But… synchronising your existing data in two places presents some interesting challenges such as aggregation and concurrency control. This talk will take a detailed look at how Cogenta how overcame those challenges, with a perpetually changing and asynchronously updated dataset.