GOTO Amsterdam is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 50 top speaker and 500 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Simon Bostock, TweetLondon Based Digital Designer

Biography: Simon Bostock
Simon is a UX / digital strategy person who's worked on games, intranet, Open Source and 'big website' stuff for a range of clients and agencies. He's currently working for Equal Experts in the UK on one of the UK Government Digital Service exemplar projects – a project bringing GDS-style user-centred design principles to international users.
He's previously worked with Drupal (a lot), games design (social sports games and things for French-speaking Canadians), service design and digital transformation projects (for big pharma/medical devices multinationals) and done a lot of change and knowledge management projects.
His interests are in cyborgs and systems design, and how they overlap with UX. He's just started work on a bookish thing on "network legibility" which will discuss how we might be moving more and more of our decision-making infrastructure to layers of the stack that are largely inaccessible to most people.
Twitter: @i4_1
Presentation: TweetAnti-Usability & UX in Games
While many are working towards the "seamless" user experiences of "calm computing" and snag-free user journeys across multiple channels, games designers are deliberately placing obstacles in users' paths. Many games are about beating the interface itself, if you think about it.
What can developers learn from the anti-usability of game designers?