GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Amanda Laucher, TweetNeo Technology (Neo4j)

Biography: Amanda Laucher
Amanda Laucher has been working with technology her entire life. Some of her favorite childhood memories include working with punch cards alongside her grandmother or learning Morse code from her dad. Solving complex business problems with code is her passion. She is currently working for Neo Technology and using the graph database Neo4j. You are likely to find her discussing intricacies of languages and type systems, development processes or American football.
Twitter: @pandamonial
Presentation: TweetEA Lessons Learned The Hard Way
I took every role in technology, from customer support to systems admin to developer, before finally accepting an EA position. At each step along the way there were many lessons to learn, but none of the roles prepared me for what I would face as the Enterprise Architect. They say that the key to being successful in technology is knowing what you know and what you do not know. In this session I will tell you about my architectural war stories, and give you the advice that I wish someone had given me before I took on the role. I will also discuss how having spent time as an EA has changed the way I think about code and how I support my current clients projects. If you are someone who is embarking on an EA role, would like to in the future, or if you just have a keen desire to know what your EA is up against, this is a session for you.