GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speaker and 400 attendees. The conference cover topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Andreas Lüdeke, TweetChief Technology Officer at TestObject GmbH

Biography: Andreas Lüdeke
Andreas Lüdeke is CTO and one of three founders of TestObject GmbH. He drives forward the development of the TestObject technology. He holds a dual study degree in collaboration with IBM. Afterwards he went on to work at SAP for a few years, where he gathered further experience as a senior software engineer. As scrum master he led the development processes of his teams and implemented Agile Software Development methods at SAP and Immobilienscout 24. He is specialized in TDD, Continuous Integration and Mobile Testing. In 2012 he was elected as the "Newcomer of the Year" at the Bed-Con Java Conference.
Twitter: @aluedeke
Presentation: TweetStartups that build Tools for Developers
1. Short Talk by Lennart Koopmann: "How we are developing Graylog2"
The Graylog2 project has gone through several re-designs and big changes since it was started in 2010. In 2013 everything changed again when TORCH was launched to be a professional company behind it. In this talk I will explain our reasoning for the technology we chose, how we are professionally developing an open source project and what we failed with so far.
2. Short Talk by Andreas Lüdeke: "Mobile Testing like a pro"
Everyone hates bugs! We too. TestObject, an in the cloud all-you-need testing tool, can help you to find bugs in your android apps. We offer access to real and virtual android devices within your browser. With our manual and automated testing capabilities you easily identify or reproduce bugs without buying tons of devices.
In this talk we’ll show you how easy it is to find bugs in your android app by running stress tests, screenshots and setting up automated testing. No need to download, install or setup any framework - Get started in minutes!
3. Short Talk by Mathias Meyer: "Improving Software Development, One Build at a Time"
Travis CI was built on the idea to offer free continuous integration to any open source project. What started out as a hobby project turned into a platform that now runs more than 100000 builds per day.
In this talk, we'll look at what Travis CI can do, how it can help make your life as a developer easier to get your projects set up with continuous integration.