GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
John Davies, TweetCTO of C24 & Incept5 & GOTO Chicago Program Committee Member

Biography: John Davies
Over 30 years in IT from hardware though C, C++, Java to enterprise architecture. Lived all over the world from the Far East, though Europe to the US.
Co-founded Century 24 (C24) with 3 others in 2000, specialising in investment banking integration, predominately SWIFT, FpML and ISO-20022. We sold C24 to Iona Technologies (NASDAQ:IONA) in 2007, Iona was then sold to Progress Software in 2008, we bought C24 back in April 2011. In June 2014 we released a new product "SDOs", a binary binding code-generator for Java that provides an order of magnitude performance improvement in large scale Java system specifically around in-memory caching.
My expertise is large scale and high performance architectures, enterprise to global. I've run the trading systems at Paribas, headed up global architecture at BNP Paribas, global head of architecture at JP Morgan Chase and chief architect on Visa's (now Visa checkout) in the innovation team.
Twitter: @jtdavies
Presentation: TweetGartner Hype Curve
Presentation: TweetBlockchain - Disruptive service or just another buzz word?
By now you’ve probably hear of BitCoin, the famous crypto-currency. Most people are aware the critical foundational technology supporting BitCoin is called blockchain, which is a distributed record of digital events. Marc Andreesen, a prominent U.S. venture capitalist has called blockchain’s distributed consensus model as the most important invention since the Internet itself.
But how does BitCoin relate to blockchain and why are global banks investigating the use of blockchain in their applications? What problem does blockchain solve, what technologies does it use, why should you care? Why are a variety of industry sectors interested in this mechanism?
John will provide valuable information on blockchain, related technologies and implementations for you to make up your own mind. Explanations of how it works, who’s using it today, who might be interested in the coming months/years and why what it may mean to you.