GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Ryan Pratt, TweetCTO of Capital Management at PEAK6

Biography: Ryan Pratt
In his role as CTO of Capital Management at PEAK6, Ryan is in charge of technical design and planning across the trading business. Ryan joined PEAK6 in 2008 as a Senior Developer and led technology growth within OptionsHouse, a consumer retail brokerage that was sold to General Atlantic, a global growth investor, in August 2014. Subsequently, Ryan oversaw the strategic implementation, development, planning and team structure with PEAK6 Capital Management, ultimately rising to CTO of Capital Management in 2013. Prior to joining PEAK6, Ryan worked in both the Operating Systems and Education Technology industries.
Presentation: TweetHigh bandwidth data and low-latency Java
Deep dive into the architecture and implementation of a reliable multicast delivery system for the OPRA feed using a lot of Java, some C, and a bit of Go.
This talk will go through a technical overview of the system, focusing on techniques used to integrate a high speed feed into Java, and discuss pitfalls and problems learned along the way.