Workshop: "Secrets of Agile Architecture"

Track: Agile from the Outside / Time: Tuesday 09:00 - 16:00 / Location: Room 204/205

We architects love a good framework. We like our abstractions, we like to design "enterprise" solutions, we like to mandate complex algorithms, or better yet to prescribe toolkits to enable other teams to implement complex algorithms under our expert guidance. If it looks like a good idea we slap the label "pattern" on it and tell everyone to do it.

Ok, maybe that isn't you. But it's likely you work in an organisation where the other guys do. So what can you do about it? Is this the only way to do architecture?

This tutorial looks at strategies and techniques to incrementally architect your way out of a legacy mess, and to set up new applications for success. 

During this one day tutorial you will learn, among other things:

  • the joys of a strong domain model, and how to evolve one.
  • how to use an anti-corruption layer as a border guard.
  • to get over your dependence on dependency injection frameworks.
  • not to have interfaces for everything.
  • that you can incrementally replace legacy apps more often than you realise.
  • how to successfully decouple subsystems.
  • the value of getting into production early.
  • not to fear integrating with third party libraries.
  • the courage to automate the things you should, the serenity to accept the things you can't and the wisdom to know the difference.
  • why "transfer object" is an oxymoron, and how to do remoting properly.

More importantly, you will learn to doubt what your experience is telling you, and instead to focus what's really there. Maybe.

Dan North, Agile troublemaker, developer, originator of BDD

Dan North

Biography: Dan North

Dan writes software and coaches teams in agile and lean methods. He believes in putting people first and writing simple, pragmatic software. He believes that most problems that teams face are about communication, and all the others are too. This is why he puts so much emphasis on "getting the words right", and why he is so passionate about behaviour-driven development, communication and how people learn. He has been working in the IT industry since he graduated in 1991, and he occasionally blogs at