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David Evans, TweetAgile Consultant, Specification by Example

Biography: David Evans
David Evans is an experienced agile consultant, coach and trainer with over 25 years of IT experience. A thought-leader in the field of agile testing, he has provided training and consultancy for clients in the UK, USA, Ireland, Sweden, Germany, France, Australia, Israel, South Africa and Singapore. A regular speaker at events and conferences across Europe, David has also had several papers published in international IT journals. He currently lives and works in the UK, where he is a partner along with Gojko Adzic in Neuri Consulting LLP. He can be reached at on email and @DavidEvans66 on Twitter.
Presentation: TweetSetting a Good Example - How to improve your SbE, BDD and ATDD artefacts
To get the most out of Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), Specification by Example (SBE) or Acceptance Test-Driven Development (ATDD), you need much more than a tool. You need high value specifications. How do we get the most out of our specification and test writing effort? How do we write testable scenarios that business people will actually care about? These and other questions will be addressed in this talk in which we take a practical approach using real-world examples.
If you work with Cucumber, SpecFlow, Fitnesse or similar tools to support BDD and ATDD, you will learn how to avoid common mistakes that teams make when writing test scenarios. You will also learn to recognise the characteristics that take good scenario descriptions beyond the role of acceptance tests and into living documentation for long-term value.
Developers, Testers, Business Analysts, Architects, Technical Leaders, Product Owners, Agile Coaches / Scrum Masters and anybody interesting in improving their analysis and test driven approaches or gain a better understanding of Acceptance Test Driven Development (ATDD) or Specification By Example (SBE)
SBE, BDD, TDD, ATDD, Example-Driven Development, Requirements, Testing, Analysis, Specification, Cucumber, Fitnesse, Scenarios, Acceptance Testing, Living Documentation