GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Deani Hansen, TweetDeveloper at Slack Technologies

Biography: Deani Hansen
Deani is a self employed independent contractor specialised in developing and designing great Windows apps for companies all over the world. He is a rare breed, mastering huge span of tools and skills, ranging from graphics design, Sketch, Illustrator and Photoshop to Microsofts Visual Studio, C# and XAML. This unique span of skills makes it possible both to invision and create and develop profound beautiful and great applications.
In his spare time he runs his Windows app design blog Blendrocks where he hands out free design reviews to app developers and app companies around the world as well as share the latest beautiful designs and UI code.
Currently Deani works as a full time Windows Phone engineer for Slack technologies in San Francisco.
Twitter: @deanihansen
Feel free to out his blog blendrocks at and connect with him on linkedin.
Presentation: TweetFrom zero to hero with Windows 10 Universal apps
One session, one hour, one universal app which works on both phone, PC, HoloLens and Xbox. During the session you will learn how you can share over 95% of the UI and source code for single app on multiple Windows 10 form factors and how your app experience can get leveraged using Microsoft continuum.