GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Jamie Dobson, TweetCEO of Container Solutions

Biography: Jamie Dobson
CEO of Container Solutions, a consultancy and product development company specialising in programmable infrastructure.
Presentation: TweetPostcapitalism
As people working within the IT sector, we often see software projects heading down the drain or This talk is about how software, particularly open-source software, is not only eating the world but eating capitalism itself - from the inside out.
Over the summer I read Paul Mason's Postcapitalism and thereafter Rifkin's The Zero Marginal Cost Society. As I did this, and made notes, I came to see that our own open sourced products, such as Mini-Mesos and our ElasticSearch Framework, were threatening to disrupt our commercial competitors.
After thinking more about this, it's very obvious to see that open source software, and for example 3-D printing, is not only disrupting how we build things but is also undermining the core relationships of capitalism. If the marginal cost of a unit is free and so is its price, then there cannot be any profit. This one relationship undermines the very foundation of capitalism - something that Marx predicted.
This talk will look at capitalism, post capitalism, and as a case study will look at our ElasticSearch framework for Mesos. I will give insights into how companies can still stay relevant even when software is free - and I will do this by looking at how windmills utterly disrupted landowners in 11th century Yorkshire.