GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Chris Atherton, TweetFreelance User Experience Architect, Finite Attention Ltd.

Biography: Chris Atherton
Chris has a PhD in cognitive neuroscience and spent several years as a senior lecturer in Psychology, helping students get excited about the brain. Since then she has used her knowledge of psychology to improve the experience of digital products at companies like Skype and the BBC, particularly on projects designed to create positive social change, or which help people learn. Chris likes coffee and snow, though not necessarily in the same mug.
Twitter: @finiteattention
Presentation: TweetSeeing and touching: your mobile brain
In this talk, Chris will give an overview of how the brain processes visual information, and in what order. She'll demonstrate that the human visual system is fickle and can be tricked, and talk about the implications of this for software design. Chris will also explore the idea that mobile devices have become an extension of our cognitive space, and consider whether it really matters that most of us no longer memorise people's phone numbers. She'll also cover our physical and emotional relationship with phones and other mobile devices, and discuss some of the reasons why we might be so attached to our "outboard brains".