GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
David Dawson, TweetDirector of Technology at Velti

Biography: David Dawson
David Dawson is a ‘Director of Technology’ at Velti, with more than 12 years of commercial experience in software development. He joined Mobile Interactive Group (MIG) in 2006 shortly after the company was formed and was fundamental in its early success by delivering robust and profitable platforms.
Dawson then went on to grow and head up a Technology team comprising of Developers/Testers/SysAdmins, which has consistently delivered mission critical platforms to high standards and on budget. Dawson is also a keen advocate of open source technology, both using and contributing to a number of new and existing projects, he also embraces an agile approach to building software, especially the use of Test-Driven-Development which stems back from his early days as a Software Tester. MIG was acquired by NASDAQ listed Velti plc in November 2011
Dawson has previously worked at GKN Westland Helicopters, RiverSoft (IBM), Sun Microsystems (Oracle) and Trayport, and holds a ISEB Practioner Qualification in Software Testing.
Twitter: @DangerDawson
Presentation: TweetHold this for a moment - Real-world queueing strategies
In high performance and highly concurrent applications the receiving and orderly processing of messages can become less trivial then often thought. David Dawson and Marcus Kern are technology leaders in global mobile marketing firm Velti and have previously talked about their real-world experience with various SQL and NoSQL storage approaches under high load.
This new talk focusses on queuing strategies for message processing and message transport, fundamental to high speed mobile messaging applications at Velti. From SQL-based queuing approaches, the team will discuss how they optimised performance in traditional systems, then ported and adopted the concept to NoSQL queueing approaches and finally arrived at an inventive hybrid solution.
Dawson and Kern share their gotchas and lessons learned throughout, followed by a Q&A session on the topic.