GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Matthias Pohle, TweetHead of Business Process Transformation

Biography: Matthias Pohle
Matthias is a speaker, coach and mentor. He considers himself a citizen of Earth, living in Zurich. He has a strong attitude to create value, weather it's been in his own startup company or as an intrapreneur within a corporate environment. At Swisscoms Corporate Business Unit he is successfully implementing innovation and change. Matthias worked successfully across different industries from software and web-companies to consulting, renewable energies and telecom, therefore he has a broad background on development projects. At FFHS, the Swiss Distance University of Applied Sciences he's lecturing Entrepreneurship & Innovation in the MSc. BA Program.
Twitter: @speedcreation
Presentation: TweetLean Innovation
In today's time innovation projects are huge, they're getting more and more complex. The idea for a minimum viable product might be quite simple, but often there are lots of dependencies and many stakeholder groups need to be involved. If you look at Business Model Innovation for example the key success factor is not only the value proposition itself, but more and more orchestrating the echo system. Which customer segments do we address via our channels. What key activities do we do ourselves and what does a partner or supplier?
During the presentation I will sketch typical pains in innovation projects and present the speed creation framework as a possible solution to foster cross-organisational collaboration and to strictly focus on the customers needs. Note that the presentation addresses ICT and non-ICT topics. Also it addresses entrepreneurs as well as intrapreneurs in small & medium enterprises or corporarte companies.