Workshop: Tweet"Certified Scrum Master Class - Jens Østergaard"
NB: This course will be taught in Danish
Since 1993 Scrum has been implemented with great success inseveralthousands of projects all over the world. Companies likeMicrosoft, HP,IBM, Yahoo, Xerox, Primavera, CapitalOne, Federal ReserveBank and BBChave already adopted Scrum as one of the primary tools forefficiencyimprovements.Today, there are more than 3000 certifiedScrumMasters in the US,Europe and in India.
The agile methodology Scrum supports the philosophy behindLeanThinking and Lean Software Development. A very important dimensioninScrum is to secure a great level of motivation and commitmentbetweenthe involved employees and to focus on the management aspectsinproject organisations.
Scrum - like Lean - has originated from the Toyotafactories'processes of efficiency improvements in the productionenvironment. Thegodfathers of Scrum are Hirotaka Takeuchi and IkujiroNonaka.
Attending this tutorial you'll be a certified ScrumMaster.
- you should have read one of the Scrum books
- basic understanding of project management
- formerly involvement in projects that develops or prepares services or products
- the desire to learn more about scrum; how you use it and how it's implemented in an organisation
- for all people with the above mentioned experiences - not only for experts