GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Sheng Liang, CTO Cloud Platforms at Citrix Systems

Sheng Liang

Biography: Sheng Liang

Sheng Liang is CTO Cloud Platforms at Citrix Systems. Before joining Citrix he was the CEO and founder of until its acquisition by Citrix in July 2011. Sheng was the lead developer on the original Java Virtual Machine team at Sun Microsystems. Sheng co-founded Teros (acquired by Citrix), an Internet security company. Sheng received BS in Computer Science from University of Science and Technology of China and Ph.D in Computer Science from Yale University.

Presentation: Architecting for the Cloud: Lessons Learned from 100 CloudStack deployments

Track: Cloud Application Architecture / Time: Tuesday 13:20 - 14:10 / Location: Rytmisk Sal, Musikhuset

The explosion of cloud computing adoption across a broad spectrum of industries and applications has helped solidify the establishment of Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) as a viable, cost-effective and scalable model for delivering IT services to the enterprise. While the adoption of public cloud resources has proven effective across a broad set of use cases, some internal applications and services are not ready to move to the public cloud. In order to solve for this, organizations are taking a phased approach which let's them adopt cloud-style architectures utilizing their existing on-premise compute, storage and network resources which provide capabilities and performance above and beyond what was previously available in traditional and virtualized data centers.


In this session you will learn how enterprises can now implement an on-premise infrastructure that lets you run legacy and native cloud applications on a cloud-style IaaS platform, while retaining traditional controls over the physical layer. This allows you to prepare your cloud adoption in phases, while moving workloads back and forth as required to support the needs of your application lifecycles and organizational readiness as you make the transition to the cloud.