GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Brian LeRoux, TweetPhoneGap Project Team, Adobe

Biography: Brian LeRoux
Brian LeRoux leads the open source PhoneGap project team at Adobe (currently undergoing incubation as Apache Cordova). He's been with the PhoneGap project from its very humble beginnings at Nitobi Software.
Twitter: @brianleroux
Presentation: TweetThe best of WTFJS
A tour of a collection of those very special irregularities, inconsistencies and just plain painfully unintuitive moments for the language of the web.
Presentation: TweetKilling PhoneGap and Going Beyond HTML5
HTML5 is exciting, but whats next?
Emergent projects from the leading vendors of web browsers may give us a clue. Chrome OS, Firefox OS, Windows 8 all offer the ability to develop system applications with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. This new breed of web technologies comes super charged with powerful access to the operating system internals, sensors, and data - sometimes called Device APIs. The misguided Web vs Native debate grows even fuzzier in light of these new technolgies. In this session Brian LeRoux will review the current state of Packaged Apps, how the standards process is shaping up, the natural relationship to Device APIs, and how this all relates to the nihilistic PhoneGap project.