GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Ian Hughes, TweetMetaverse Evangelist & Futurologist

Biography: Ian Hughes
Ian Hughes a.k.a epredator when online, is a Metaverse Evangelist and founder of Feeding Edge Ltd - Taking a bite out of technology so you don't have to.
In 2006, whilst at IBM, he led thousands of colleagues into virtual worlds like Second Life with projects such as Wimbledon.
He has shown that leadership can be driven by the digital native and innovators can gather together regardless of geography or organization. Using creative expression online leads him to no longer be the programmer he grew up as.
He presented an emerging technology slot on the UK ITV kids show The Cool Stuff Collective as resident super geek, which has ran for 3 series. On the show he brought many types of technology aimed as gaining the interest of kids and adults alike in science and technology. From open source physical computing to 3d printing, augmented reality to graphene.
Ian is the chair of the BCS Animation and Games industry Group. If you discover anything else about Ian feel free to update Wikipedia.
Twitter: @epredator
Presentation: TweetBlended Reality for Learning and Play
Ian Hughes/Epredator will look at some of the advances in mixing the physical world and the virtual world that create both entertaining and interesting experiences. How games technology is already helping us learn a great many new skills and enhance the ones we already have. If you have ever tried to learn a new physical skill from playing the guitar to a martial art then games technology and their interfaces can play a major part in enhancing your learning. So just think what that can do for other experiences and professions? It can also be surprising how many kids toys are already crossing the boundaries between physical and virtual. Blended reality is really a mix of technologies, physical and emotional experiences.
How does all this fit together? That is what will be explored. You can also read more about this in the Computer Networks paper Virtual worlds, augmented reality, blended reality and in Flush Magazine
Presentation: TweetLightning Talks: Technical Showcase
This session will contain several lightning talks which will demonstrate and discuss some of these ideas around Emerging Interfaces including:
Gesture-based shopping with Kinect and mobile
Mattijs and Dave dived into the concept of browsing an online catalog purely based on gestures. They will demonstrate the resulting prototype and present a short summary of findings.
Ian Hughes will also talk about the work he has recently done with Imperia College London to use virtual works to assist with patient management in a nearly full hospital.