GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speakers and 600 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Jan Gentsch, TweetAgile Coach and Pearl Diver

Biography: Jan Gentsch
Jan is an expert in blending agile and traditional approaches to software management and organisational development. Equipped with a map to profound experiments and a good sense of humor he supports teams and organisations of all sizes on their quest of improving and adapting new ways of working.
Twitter: @jang_ac93
Presentation: TweetBrain Patterns for Software Development
Did you ever wonder what must have been on your customers mind during requirement analysis? Have you been puzzled by how that latest architectural decision turned out? Are you still trying to figure out why those important product backlog entries never make it to the top?
Have you? So did we...
Thus we delved into the latests neuroscientific findings and identified a number of brain patterns that have a high impact on team and product performance. These brain patterns are an easy way to raise issues and foster mutual understanding in development teams or with customers.
Our talk will be highly interactive and use your own experiences.
And... it starts right now:
Help us to identify the situations that really matter to you.
Share your stories and questions with us on Twitter using #brainpatterns or write a mail to patterns [at] and we try to answer them during the talk.
(Deadline Nov, 15th, anonymity guaranteed!)