GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes

Said about GOTO Conferences

Below you find different quotes from blog posts and other mentions of GOTO Aarhus 2012.
Click on the blog name to be directed to the blog itself.

Mentions during and after the conference

Videos from Microsoft's Channel 9

Erik Meijer and Gilad Bracha: Dart, Monads, Continuations, and More

Mentions in English

Martin Fowler

Martin Fowler reports on his trip to GOTO Aarhus

Rick Falkvinge

Keynote speaker Rick Falkvinge writes about his GOTO Aarhus opening keynote: Beware Red Flags on the Net in the blogpost Back from Keynote in Aarhus D

Ending Error Driven Development

Sexism in IT, again


Rapid Releases - Chatting with Sam Newman

Code and Lean

DotNetNerd's Blog

GOTO - red flags

GOTO - JavaScipt Track

GOTO Day 1 - Roundoff

GOTO – interviewing, languages, primadonas and TypeScript

GOTO - it's a wrap

GOTO - the end


GOTO - Monday

GOTO - Tuesday

Rasmus Møller Selsmark

GOTO Aarhus 2012 - Day 1: New infrastructure creates new types of companies

GOTO Aarhus 2012 - Day 2: What, no testers?!

GOTO Aarhus 2012 at a glance


The Agile Move from Efficiency to Effectiveness – How to Do the Right Thing

How to Select The Right Database in the Future


Apply Lean Startup Principles To An Enterprise World

Army Deployments – Are we just immature developers or?

Data & Web with a twist of laughter

GOTOCon 2012 Feedback – Everything Comes To An End

Mentions in Danish

Peter Makholm

Hvad afgør dit valg af NoSQL-database?

Skal jeg lære flere programmeringssprog?

Fortæl mig din bedste historie

Korte foredrag er gode foredrag

Monitoring Dalager

Continuous Delivery og Lean Startup // tanker fra GOTO

Hvilken keynote var bedst?

Christian Nielsen

Interview med Scott Hanselman


Vælg 1 feature med værdi i stedet for 30 uden nytte: Gabrielle Benefield har fokus på spørgsmålet: Hvad kommer efter Scrum?

Hvordan sikrer du dig et 'A' team

Du vælger selv dit mindset. Hvad har du valgt?

Hvordan maksimerer vi værdi?


Hvordan maksimerer vi værdi?: Artikel om Jez Humbles præsentation: What is value?

Sæt fokus på din udvikler: Artikel om Cons Åhs præsentation Choosing the right technology is not enough

Det agile hører ikke kun hjemme i IT afdelingen: Artikel om Jutta Ecksteins præsentation Agile Development within the corporation

Version 2

Version 2 havde flere blogger til at blogge fra GOTO Aarhus 2012. Du kan se alle blogindlæg her

Billeder fra mandag den 1. oktober

Billeder fra tirsdag den 2. oktober

Billeder fra onsdag den 3. oktober


Googles DART sporg efter 1 år: Hvad blev der egentlig af det hypede DART-sprig, som Google annoncerede sidste år i Aarhus?

Mentions before the conference

Other mentions

Channel 9

Anders Hejlsberg @ Oct 3 GOTO Aarhus: Mysterious Announcement

What's Microsoft's Father of next C#'s next trick?

Anders Hejlsberg is best known as the father of Microsoft's C# language. He's been working lately on Roslyn, Microsoft's so-called "compiler as a service" project. But it turns out that's not all Hejlsberg is working on.

Some eagle-eyed folks (hello, Felix9!) over on Microsoft's Channel 9 spotted a mention of an upcoming Hejlsberg appearance at the goto Aarhus software development conference in early October. Hejlsberg is slated to deliver a closing keynote on a "yet to be disclosed project in the Development Tools Space."

There's another interesting tidbit the Channel 9ers saw. Heilsberg's updated biography includes something that wasn't there before:

Anders Hejlsberg is a Technical Fellow in the Developer Division at Microsoft Corporation and works on Microsoft’s .NET and JavaScript development tools.

Wait... JavaScript development tools?

You can attend Anders Hejlsberg's keynote for free! Register here

Blogs in English

Channel 9 Coffeehouse
Charles Torres tells what makes GOTO Aarhus special

If you're looking for an excellent software developer-driven technical conference, then I can't recommend GOTO highly enough - it's a stellar affair.

Having been to a few GOTOs over the years, I can assure you that it's worth your time ( and your boss's money :-) ). The content at GOTO is first and foremost
pragmatic. The sessions are specifically tailored for practicing software engineers because the content is designed and delivered by practicing software engineers.

RasmusKL's blog
Rasmus blogs about who he is looking forward to seeing and which tracks he doesn't want to miss

The agenda for the conference has been posted and while there's no dedicated .NET track, the speaker list does include Anders Hejlsberg and Scott Hanselman. I'm also looking forward to seeing Dan North speak again  [...] Track-wise I'm definitely going to attend talks in Continuous Delivery, JavaScript, Languages, Hard things made easy and It's about the people, stupid.

Rasmus Tolstrup Christensen asks the question: Why attend a conference?

Every conference has its schedule of you attend a lot of sessions. But I guess that 50% or more of attending a conference is all about networking with your fellow developers and support the communities. [...] I think you should push your self out of the comfort zone, Attend sessions with technologies you’ve never heard of, If you are a hardcore keyboard mania who just lives inside powershell, go to one of the more “soft” sessions. In other words join in where you don’t feel comfortable, this is where your brain will grow.

And GOTO Aarhus Keynote Speaker Scott Hanselmann adds in a comment:

I think attending conferences is about reminding yourself that you’re not alone. It’s about checking in with your peers and not working in a vacuum.

Mookid on Code
Mogens Heller Grabe shares his GOTO expectations

This year, I hope to gain some more knowledge about Riak, the Dynamo-inspired database that Trifork are pushing hard these days.

I’m also looking forward to “The Aarhus 6″: A session laid out like a trial court where the different tradeoffs of six popular NoSQL databases are exposed. I’m expecting MongoDB’s pants to be pulled down on the global lock, fsync + memory-mapped files, and advanced durability story :) and then I’m really curious to hear about any downsides & shortcomings of the other databases accused: Riak, VoltDB, Cassandra, and Couchbase (+ one TBD).

and in this blog post he tells about his way of work today, that reminds him of a talk by Dan North presented at GOTO Aarhus 2010!

In the talk, Dan described how he was part of a team that would rapidly prototype and deliver working systems to some stock exchange or something, and in doing this they would often start from scratch and replace the existing applications, instead of adapting old ones. The advantage is that you get to take some shortcuts when you’re making fairly short-lived applications, you don’t have to carry the burden of old legacy crap, you get to re-do, possibly undo(?) almost every decision some time, and you become really good at building stuff from scratch!

Anders Lisdorf talks about cloud computing

The upcoming Goto conference in Aarhus Oct.1-3 puts significant focus on cloud computing in general: With a session devoted to cloud computing another at cloud application architecture and they have recruited speakers from some of the most interesting SaaS providers today: yammer, atlassian and netflix.

and in this blog post on agile

While being agile is closely aligned with startups it is more challenging in a large corporation. Working with this in practice I am looking forward to hearing Jutta Ecksteis experiences. On Tuesday at the conference, she will tackle this interesting topic. Moving into the the corporation is a key move for agile development, one that will decide whether it is just a fad or a true revolution of how we create software.While being agile is closely aligned with startups it is more challenging in a large corporation. Working with this in practice I am looking forward to hearing Jutta Ecksteis experiences. On Tuesday at the conference, she will tackle this interesting topic. Moving into the the corporation is a key move for agile development, one that will decide whether it is just a fad or a true revolution of how we create software.

GOTO Aarhus infographics

Ending Error-Driven Development
Kristjan Wager tells what he like about this year's GOTO

I can easily say that GOTO is my favorite conference - it has the right mix of talks about methods, technologies, frameworks, and broader developer-related subjects for it to appeal to me. It also has the advantage of not being wed to one specific technology - neither in talks nor in vendors. Another great thing about GOTO, is that the speakers are immensely approachable (to be fair, the same was the case at QCon London).

and here why it's important to prepar for a conference:

It is no secret that I love to go to conferences in general because it expands my horizonts and for the social aspects. However, in order to get the maximum enjoyment and value out of a conference, it is important that I go to the right sessions - both in the sense that I don't want to miss the good ones, and in the sense that I certainly want to avoid the bad ones.

Christian Horsdal shares his GOTO schedule

I'll likely kick off the conference with Brian Slettens Webs of Data talk. I saw Brian last year give a good technical talk on testing REST APIs, and the abstract for this one sounds intriguing.

I want to see Jonas Bonér talk about Akka - because Akka and Scala are so very, very cool!<

I'll probably go see Dan Norths talk and Liz Keoghs talk, because both are such passionate, opinionated (in a good sense) and well spoken people.

In this blog post he continues looking at the schedule but from a different angle: What's missing?:

Continuing my look at this years GOTO 2012 program; what's missing? Well, on the one hand it's easy to out point topic after topic that isn't on the program. On the other hand the conference can't and shouldn't include everything under sun. Choices have to made. I get that, and I'm happy that the GOTO program committee does too. I like that GOTO sometimes is a bit opinionated (in fact that one of it's main strengths IMO)

Rasmus Møller Selsmark

So the questions I’ll try to get answers to while being at GOTO Aarhus 2012 conference are:

- What’s the state of automated functional test at all?
- Are software developers already automating non-unit tests like e.g. functional UI tests?
- Is it common to have automation testers in the industry (like my current job), is automation a part of usual software development activities or have you actually been able to successfully do capture/replay test automation maintained by domain/manual tester? (I would be surprised if the latter is case)
In this blog post Rasmus focues on developers writing test and concludes: 
I feel confident that I will meet developers at the GOTO Aarhus 2012 Conference this year with a quality/testing mindset, and I’m looking forward to talk with you about your view on test automation, and how I as an automation tester can bring value and increase the quality of our software products, even if it's no longer a dedicated test automation developer writing the functional tests.

DotNetNerd's blog
Christian Holm Nielsen shares his speaker favorites

With an impressive array of speakers there is no way I would pass up the opportunity. Anders Hejlsberg and Scott Hanselman are of course top rock stars, but right up there are names like Erik Meijer, Hadi Hariri, Jeff Sutherland, Damian Conway and Martin Fowler. The latter also being the author of NoSQL distilled, which I happen to enjoy reading at the moment.

The tracks on architecture, back end and front end will be the ones drawing the most of my attention, but I will probably spend some time on the other tracks as well, in order to widen my horizons a bit.

Graffen's Blog
Jesper Hess Nielsen is sharing his conference thoughts

When attending conferences like this, one can chose to attend talks that are completely related to one's day-to-day work, or one can chose to attend talks that are a long way out of one's comfort zone. I haven't yet decided exactly which conference strategy I will be going for, but one thing is for sure: I'm definitely going for the chance to hang out (maybe have a beer?) with brilliant minds; to become inspired; to become wiser.

Anders Lybeckers Weblog!

I prefer conferences where I get inspired… a conference where all the participants; speakers and fellow participants plant seeds in my head for new ideas and alternative approaches to solving problems.

That’s why I’m going to the GOTO Aarhus conference.

GOTO Aarhus 2012 schedule

Erik Corry

How I lost fingertip and gained ticket

So how many of me are there?

Jesper Lindholt Ottosen

Blogs in Danish

Peter Makholm
Peter fortæller her, hvorfor det er nødvendigt at tage på konferencer.

Når man har siddet et par år som hovedudvikler på et langsigtet projekt, indser man nødvendigheden i engang imellem at opsøge friske ideer og nye indtryk. Derfor er konferencer en fast del af mit årsprogram.

Linda Mostrup Pedersen skriver bl.a. på sin blog: 

På dette års GOTO konference, bidrager Linda Rising med indhold fokuseret på det menneskelige aspekt indenfor software udvikling. I min verden er hendes fokusområde virkelig relevant, for når alt kommer til alt handler det hele jo om mennesker. Fra Lindas synspunkt handler det ikke kun om god kodekvalitet og valget af det rigtige CMS - nej, det handler om de mennesker, der udfører opgaverne - og hvordan de bliver inddraget på den bedste og mest optimale måde.

Agil udvikling og teams... Nu igen? 

Monitoring Dalager
Christian Dalager deler sine tanker om hvordan man angriber et konferenceprogram.

Gå efter ting, der lægger sig tæt op ad det du arbejder med til dagligt.

Gå efter ting, der interesserer dig, men som du ikke arbejder med til dagligt.

Gå efter ting, du ikke aner noget om, men kun har hørt om i 140-tegns referater.

Gå efter mennesker, ikke talks.
Lisa Risager fortæller om det track hun glæder sig mest til at se på GOTO

Sidste år var Linda Rising en af de personer, der gjorde størst indtryk på mig. [...] da hun indtog scenen og begyndte at tale blev jeg først forundret og siden tryllebundet. Linda er også med i år, så jeg er ikke i tvivl om hvilket track jeg vil følge onsdag eftermiddag: Humans at Work.

Ole Gammelgaard Poulsen
Ole fortæller, hvad han skal høre på GOTO

En anden talk jeg ser frem til er Alan Boykiws "Multi-touch UI: A touchy subject" som vil handle om hvordan multi-touch brugerflader anvendes på forskellige enheder og interaktionsmodeller og trends han mener man bør være opmærksom når man designer gestures og touch interfaces.

Anne Mette Hass
Anne Mette deler sin (test) vinkel på GOTO konferencen

Jeg skal til GOTO konferencen i Århus til oktober. Og jeg glæder mig!

der er noget om mennesker og teams, det bliver jeg også nødt til at høre om. Specielt glæder jeg mig til indlægget ”To be honest..” af Liz Keogh onsdag eftermiddag. Det er et emne, vi også skal forholde os til i test.

Frank Vilhelmsen
Frank fortæller om det arbejde det er, at gå på konference; både under og ikke mindst efter

Endnu en GOTO konference er på trapperne og jeg gælder mig helt vildt. De gæve gutter der arrangerer konferencens program gør altid et fantastisk stykke arbejde. Gennem de sidste 10 har jeg besøgt et hav af forskellige teknologi konferencer men #gotoaar er der hvor jeg føler mig mest velkommen.

[...] utallige gange har jeg været uforstående over for kolleger der enten ikke får noget ud konferencer eller ikke formår at genfortælle den gode historie. Fx har jeg hørt udtagelser som: “jeg har ikke modtaget noget af værdi som jeg kan kan bruge”, “der er ikke nogen spændende emner”, “de taler ikke om noget fra min hverdag”, “det var en super fed tale men jeg har glemt om hvad”.

Det er synd. Af flere grunde.

Konferencen er nemlig ikke slut når man rejser hjem! Faktisk er det først på dette tidspunkt det rigtige salgsarbejde begynder. Som vidensmedarbejder består salgsindsatsen af videensdeling og påvirkning i ens respektive virksomhed eller, hvis man er selvstændig, at kunne formalisere den nyvundne viden til fordel for ens kunder.

Jo bedre du er til at formidle dine indtryk jo nemmere er at få lov til at tage på konference igen og det bliver også nemmere at forhandle dine personlige forhold.

Christian Nielsen

Anne Mette Hass

Henrik Knopper

Martin Frederiksen

Speaker Blogs

Adrian Cockcroft
Tells about the track he is hosting.

The track subject is Cloud Application Architectures, and we have three speakers lined up.

We are starting out with Randy Bias of Cloudscaling, speaking on Architectures for Open and Scalable Clouds. Randy has a broad experience of many types of cloud application architecture, and will discuss how to build applications on open portable clouds that can be deployed in both a private and public cloud context.

To broaden our perspective somewhat, and get our hands dirty with real code, the next talk is a live demonstration by Ido Flatow, Building secured, scalable, low-latency web applications with the Windows Azure Platform.

I will be giving my latest update on Globally Distributed Cloud Applications at Netflix.