GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Barry O'Reilly, TweetEntrepreneur, Business Advisor & Author of "Lean Enterprise"

Biography: Barry O'Reilly
Barry O’Reilly works with leading global organizations on continuous improvement using lean and agile practices and principles. He has been an entrepreneur, employee, and consultant. After several startups, his focus shifted towards the enterprise where he has explored the intersection of business model innovation, product development, organizational design and culture transformation.
He is a co-author of Lean Enterprise: How High Performance Organization Innovate At Scale, the latest addition to the Eric Ries Lean Series with O’Reilly Media, 2015. He is an internationally sought after speaker and frequent writer for The Economist.
Barry is Founder of ExecCamp ant Partner at Humble, O’Reilly and Associates. It’s mission to help technology led businesses innovate at scale.
Twitter: @barryoreilly
Presentation: TweetLean Enterprise
How can you accelerate your journey to becoming a Lean Enterprise? In this talk Barry will share his lessons learnt from engagements where he has helped enterprises rekindle their capability to explore, experiment and learn how to improve.
What are the key things you should do to start? What are the tools and techniques you can use? How do you prepare to have an impact?
In this session he will discuss what are the key issues holding organizations back
from unleashing innovation while showcasing the counter measures to apply to achieve high-performance at scale.
Workshop: High Performance Organizations: Creating Lean Enterprises That Move Fast At Scale Tweet
Large organizations often struggle to leverage software to create innovative products. A number of organizational factors conspire to create obstacles to moving fast at scale, including culture, governance, and financial management, and the application of portfolio and program management strategies that do not take advantage of the unique characteristics of software.
In this training we’ll discuss how to take a lean approach to developing new products and running large scale programs of work, and how to grow a culture that enables organizations to turn software into a competitive advantage.
- Executives interested in strategy, leadership, organization culture, and good governance
- Directors of IT, both for applications and for infrastructure and operations
- Anyone working in program or project management, including members of the PMO
- People in finance and accounting or in governance, regulation, and compliance who are involved in delivery