GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Heinz Schaffner, TweetPrincipal Technologist at Solace Systems

Biography: Heinz Schaffner
Over the last 35+ years, Heinz has lived the technology (r)evolution from punchcards and acoustic couplers to supercomputers, OS internals and ultra low latency distributed applications. Currently Heinz is the Principal Technologist at Solace Systems where he helpscustomers design and develop fast, flexible data distribution infrastructure for big data, cloud, enterprise, IoT and mobile applications. Outside of work Heinz is obsessed with analog audio and racing motorcycles. (Well, until recently, when his wife made
him reduce his involvement in the latter to that of spectator.)
Presentation: TweetLies, Damn Lies and Benchmarks: Learn How to Accurately Measure Distributed Application Performance
Tuesday 15:00 - 15:50
Promenade Ballroom A
Heinz will explore some common myths and misconceptions about benchmarking distributed systems, and explain what it takes to effectively measure the performance of distributed enterprise, big data and cloud applications. He’ll outline some best practices and common mistakes
so you’ll know how to avoid running “science projects” that yield misleading data, and instead measure performance in a way that mimics your production environment and yields accurate information.