GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Alexander Grosse, TweetVP Engineering at Soundcloud

Biography: Alexander Grosse
Presentation: TweetWhat sucks about Scrum
How often have we heard statements like “We do a daily standup and a sprint planning meeting, therefore we are doing Scrum and are Agile”? It should be obvious that this statement is far from true – but how could those misunderstandings happen? One of the core reasons is the way Scrum is (mis)understood and taught by Scrum consultants (who may have little experience in software development).
Presentation: TweetHire "A" Teams
At SoundCloud we've found our best successes come through collaboration, not from relying on heroes. We put all our efforts into building an "A" Team rather than trying to hire "A" people - the latter being a term that can pull teams apart rather than bring them together. This talk will consider how best to select the right people to create "A" teams. We'll share insights on how to identify individuals who are genuinely passionate about the product, as well as reinforce the value of being an open, engineering-focused organization.