GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Henrik Lykke Nielsen, TweetFounder of Captator

Biography: Henrik Lykke Nielsen
Henrik Lykke Nielsen has experience from a wide range of software development projects, where he has worked as a developer, project manager, mentor as well as an advisory consultant. Since the year 2000 he has specialized in the Microsoft´s .NET platform, where he among other things works with .NET development, software architecture, component based frameworks, reuse and best practices for software development.
Henrik Lykke Nielsenis the co-founder of Captator - a company doing training, consulting and software development on the .NET platform. Henrik is further more Microsoft Regional Director for Denmark - Microsoft´s selected partner in connection with their strategies toward Danish developers.
Presentation: TweetA pragmatic approach to creating services using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
RESTful services have become quite popular lately. Part of the RESTful approach is to leverage the HTTP protocol such as HTTP verbs, HTTP headers etc. We have almost the opposite approach to creating rich services supporting authentication, validation, logging, multitenancy etc. Using .NETs Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) as our communication technology we construct services so that they will work equally well using a SOAP approach as well as a simple XML and JSON serialization approach, using HTTP as well as other transport mechanisms and at the same time allowing projects to leverage the full range of functionality of the services using simple .NET method calls.
This talk will give an overview of our pragmatic approach to creating, calling and testing services.