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Itai Hochman, TweetVP Engineering at Outbrain

Biography: Itai Hochman
Itai Hochman is the VP of engineering of Outbrain since Feb 2008. Prior to Joining Outbrain, Itai was Director of R&D at Schema Ltd a leading provider of multi-vendor RAN optimization & analysis solutions, and premium services for wireless operators. Prior joining Schema in 2003, Itai held various management roles at Bandwiz and VSoft. Itai holds a B.Sc. in Mechanical Engineering and an MBA degree both from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology. He resides in Israel with his wife Ruthi and four kids.Presentation: TweetWar Stories, Part 1
Have you ever had a bug nagging you for half a year? Have you ever been relieved after half a year of on and off debugging when you finally solved a bug? Did you ever reflect on why it took you so long to solve a bug?
In this presentation speakers will reveal how they solved their worst bug. You will experience old and new technical details that you've never heard about. You will get inspired to learn more.
10-15 min. enlightning talks
War Story 1: Selenium race condition
Speaker: Yoav Abrahami
War Story 2: Cache miss
Speaker: Itai Hochman
War Story 3: Localisation: "Epic Fejl"
Speaker: Graham Lee
Presentation: TweetCase Study - Continuous Deployment at Outbrain
Outbrain serves content discovery recommendations on more than 3.5 billion page views each month. Those recommendations are embedded in sites of the world top publishers (including CNN, FoxNews, USA Today,, Newsweek, TheStreet, The Boston Globe, Slate and more). Are you interested to hear how Outbrain can keep a high quality service while pushing code to production servers 5-50 times a day? In this presentation, Itai Hochman will explain the principles of continuous deployment. He will explore the culture and tools that allows a working continuous deployment environment.