GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Johanna Kollmann, TweetUser Experience person passionate about collaboration
Biography: Johanna Kollmann
Johanna Kollmann has been working in User Experience since 2004. After gaining experience in both in-house and agency-side roles, she is now trying to make the world a better place as a product manager at Sidekick Studios. Her background is in Information Design and HCI.
Passionate about building better things through collaboration, Johanna co-founded Design Jam, helps organize several meetups, and enjoys hackdays. She has presented at the IA Summit, Euro IA, Agile and several barcamps, trying to get better every time. Johanna likes dancing at gigs, hiking up hills, ice cream and manta rays. She's @johannakoll on Twitter.
Presentation: TweetIt's about people - how Agile and UX can play well together
Agile has grown up and become a widely adopted approach for delivering software. User Experience is maturing, and the value of good design is being recognised. Since 2006, I have been observing teams, talking to practitioners who are trying to bring the two together, and putting theory into practice in my own work.
In this talk, I will illustrate how the agile and the UX mindset have more in common than you think, share some (still emerging and changing) best practices for including UX work in an agile context, give examples for how you can use UX tools and techniques to spread people-centred thinking across your team, and get you excited about the hardest, but most rewarding aspect of our jobs: working with people to make something for people.
Attendees will walk away with:
- An understanding of key challenges faced by practitioners who want to include UX on agile projects
- Tips for addressing these challenges
- Strategies for including end users in your design and development process
- Tips on how you can get your colleagues and stakeholders to buy into a UX approach
Who is this talk for?
- Developers, product managers and designers who are keen to do more UX work, specifically more interaction with end users
- Project managers, scrum masters and anybody who wonders how a multi-disciplinary team can collaborate together