GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Wanda Marginean, TweetTechnical Account Manager & Agile Adoption Expert at Rally Software

Biography: Wanda Marginean
Wanda is a Technical Account Manager at Rally Software, a market leader in Agile ALM.
Wanda has extensive experience working with various international organisations and industries mainly focusing on business analysis, consultancy and deployment of portfolio, product, and requirements management software.
During her project engagements Wanda became passionate about positive changes and real business impact that Agile and Lean methods bring to organisations. She is a Certified Scrum Master and holds a Bachelor degree in Marketing and Masters with Honours in Economics from Gdansk University of Technology.
Presentation: TweetSteering an Agile Enterprise
Is your business strategy and development aligned?
It’s a simple question that stumps even the highest performing organizations. When development teams adopt Agile, the business still needs answers to simple questions about delivery dates, return on investment and cost. When the business doesn’t clearly rank program and investment priorities, development doesn’t have the opportunity to optimize their work beyond the sprint and release level.
Wanda will explain and show how to use Agile and Lean principles to address the realities of the PMO, maintain a healthy portfolio of projects, increase investment visibility and create alignment between development and business strategy.
Keywords: Agile, Lean, portfolio management, visibility, strategy and execution, roadmap, planning, Rally
Target Audience: executives, portfolio managers, project managers, product owners, team leads