GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Alexander Birke, TweetAccenture GmbH, Lean Model Driven Development

Biography: Alexander Birke
Alexander Birke is an IT consultant and technical architect in the area of Advanced Systems & Technology at Accenture. He is working in IT for over a decade. He likes to optimize development processes and getting more efficient. His primary focus areas are architecture and software delivery. The main topics of his last 10 years were software development processes, agile and traditional software delivery management and Model-driven-development.
Presentation: TweetDoing MDD in a lean way – principles of Lean MDD
„Lean Model Driven Development“ (Lean MDD) is a concrete, comprehensive and project-proven approach for using MDD to build a business application. It offers a slim and efficient modeling approach in combination with a high degree of generation. Though Lean MDD is tool-independent some architectural prerequisites are vital.
The talk presents the basic ideas which help to automate or enhance a software development process with regard to a Lean MDD approach. The focus lies on functional and technical artifacts and the different technical approaches which are illustrated with examples.