GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Zuzana Sochova, TweetManaging Director, Agile & Scrum Trainer, Consultant & Coach, LOTOFIDEA

Biography: Zuzana Sochova
Zuzana started with agile and Scrum back in 2005, where she was involved in implementing the agile methods at large US company operating in the medical area. From that time, she was responsible for implementation of agile and Scrum to teams in the Czech Republic operating in different areas of IT industry (i.e. air traffic control management systems, extensive healthcare applications, public safety systems and small and extremely fast internet projects). Currently she works as a consultant and coach for software organizations, support them in tailoring their agile adoption processes to company culture. She founded Czech agile community Agile Association -, organizing conferences and events and sharing the agile experience all around. She is Managing Director of LOTOFIDEA.
Presentation: TweetAgile Patterns
The implementation of agile methods can differ per organizations and teams; however patterns of agility are universal. The success of agile adoption process is not hidden in methodology itself, but it should correspond with inside company culture. That’s something which part of the agile community already forgot and most of the companies never really understood. There is no cookbook how to adopt agile methods, but indeed there are some better and easier ways how to get there. And there are some, which you should better avoid.