Dion Almaer, Director of Developer Relations at Palm

Dion Almaer

Biography: Dion Almaer

Dion Almaer is the director of Developer Relations at Palm where he has the pleasure of working with Ben Galbraith. The pair co founded Ajaxian.com together and the are now focused on delivering a fantastic developer experience on the mobile Web. Dion has been a technologist and a developer writing Web applications since it took over from Gopher. He has been fortunate enough to speak around the world, has published many articles, a book, and of course covers life the universe and everything on his blog at almaer.com/blog;.

He has been called a human aggregator, and you can see that in full force if you follow him on Twitter @dalmaer.

Software Passion: Keeping the eye on the product not just the code, and hence knowing where to take short cuts

Blog: http://almaer.com/blog
Personal website: http://almaer.com
Ajaxian: http://ajaxian.com
Palm Developer Center: http://developer.palm.com

Presentation: "HTML5 vs. Apps?"

Track: BROWSER AS A PLATFORM / Time: Tuesday 14:45 - 15:45 / Location: Store Sal, Musikhuset

A few years ago, HTML5 was the anointed Next Big Thing in software developer, but like SOAP and SOA, its spotlight was stolen before it had its day, and mobile apps are soaking up the lion's share of industry attention and investment. But really, are the two mutually exclusive? Can HTML5 power mobile apps that people want to use? And how do companies tackle building for the web and a soup of device platforms without going crazy? Join Ben and Dion as they discuss how web technologies have a material role to play in creating mobile apps and reducing production costs for development.

Keywords: Mobile, Web, HTML, JavaScript, Apps, Money

Target audience: As a consumer you are excited to see the plethora of devices out there, but as a developer, are you concerned with the practical issue of how to get your experience onto all of them?