GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Michael Franken, TweetCEO at Zilverline

Biography: Michael Franken
Michael Franken is the first and only Certified Scrum Trainer in the Netherlands and an experienced Software Engineer. He coaches management and development teams on Agile practices and principles. Michael has successfully introduced Scrum in many places in the Netherlands and has worked with Jeff Sutherland, Gabrielle Benefield, Henrik Kniberg and Tobias Mayer, and continues to do so.
Jeff Sutherland very strongly recommends Michael: "Several years ago Michael asked me to help [...] implement Scrum in the Netherlands and India. Since then we have worked together and the teams he originated are now some of the best in the world with papers published at Agile 2008 and accepted for Agile 2009. A couple of years ago, Michael started his own company, Zilverline, and asked me to train with him in the Amsterdam area. We have done several courses together and I can enthusiastically say that Michael is one of the best trainers I have worked with."
Michael has 20 years IT experience. As a management consultant and CTO, Michael has performed audits and advised management teams. Clients include: Port of Rotterdam, Albert Heijn, Schiphol Groep, UWV, KPN, Nidera, SNS Reaal and City of Amsterdam. Michael is CEO of Zilverline. Michael is the founder and chairman of He is a former board member of the Agile Consortium Benelux ( For more details, see his LinkedIn profile.
Twitter: @mikefranken
Presentation: TweetThe Priority Game
A new game to take your product ownership a step further. The Priority Game is an exercise to get the most out of your stakeholders and make your life as a Product Owner a lot easier. And your product may ship earlier too!
Come to this interactive presentation and learn what Steve Jobs would do, or at least we at Zilverline.