GOTO Amsterdam (June 17-19, 2015) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 50 top speakers and 500 attendees. The conference covers topics such as AngularJS, Disruption, Docker, Drones, Elasticsearch, Hadoop, Microservices & Scrum.
Kelsey Hightower, TweetDeveloper Advocate & Toolsmith at CoreOS

Biography: Kelsey Hightower
Kelsey has worn every hat possible throughout his career in tech and enjoys leadership roles focused on making things happen and shipping software.
Kelsey is a strong open source advocate focused on building simple tools that make people smile. When he is not slinging Go code you can catch him giving technical workshops covering everything from Programming, System Administration, and his favorite Linux distro of the month (CoreOS).
Twitter: @kelseyhightower
Presentation: TweetRocket and the App Container Spec
Rocket is a simple daemon-free tool that enables users to run containerized apps on their systems free of host dependencies. Containers running under rocket execute like regular processes and can be managed using existing process management tools like upstart, systemd, runit, and etc.
Rocket is also an implementation of the "App Container Spec" which defines how to define and build containerized applications based on tooling like tar and pgp. And then host these files easily using standard protocols like HTTP. The goal of the spec is to enable independent and creative implementations of container runtimes and build tools.
Both of these projects are open source and part of a young growing community. Come learn how they work and how you can get involved.
Presentation: TweetDocker Predictions Panel
During the Docker Predictions Panel attendees, speakers and the host of the Docker track will try to predict the big announcements at the DockerCon15 in San Francisco. DockerCon15 will take place just days after GOTO Amsterdam.
Last time at DockerCon14 Europe, here in Amsterdam, Docker Inc. announced Swarm, Machine, Compose and Docker Enterprise Hub.
If you think you know where they are heading this year, come and tell the world!
This panel will be facilitated by Mark Coleman who will ensure a memorable and fun experience for all attendees.