GOTO Amsterdam (June 17-19, 2015) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 50 top speakers and 500 attendees. The conference covers topics such as AngularJS, Disruption, Docker, Drones, Elasticsearch, Hadoop, Microservices & Scrum.
Marcy Sutton, TweetAccessibility Engineer, Girl Develop It Seattle Co-Leader

Biography: Marcy Sutton
Marcy Sutton is an Accessibility Engineer at Adobe and Angular core team member, previously working full time on Material Design for Angular. She is a primary contributor to ngAria, Angular's accessibility module, as well as the author of a new accessibility plug-in for Protractor, the end-to-end testing framework. In her spare time, she co-organizes the Seattle chapter of Girl Develop It. Recently Marcy launched Accessibility Wins, a Tumblr highlighting successes in web accessibility. She loves single-speed cyclocross and throwing the frisbee for her dog, Wally.
Twitter: @marcysutton
Presentation: TweetAccessible Angular.js
In this talk, we will look at common accessibility challenges in client-rendered applications and discuss how Angular has begun supporting developers with accessibility features baked into the framework. In addition, you'll get a first-hand assessment of accessibility support in Angular Material, the official Material Design component library for Angular.js.