GOTO Amsterdam (June 13-15, 2016) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more than 60 top speakers and 800 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Microservices, Rugged, JavaScript, Post-Agile, Data, Spring++, Connected Worlds & Philosophy.

Exhibitor Reception - Tuesday, 16:40-17:10
Drink a beer, chat to exhibitors and get yourself in the mood for the Evening Keynote by André Kuipers!
The event will take place at: Grote Zaal at Beurs van Berlage.
ROBOT SOCCER & Conference Social Event - Tuesday, 18:00-21:00
All participants and speakers are invited to the Conference Social Event with drinks and food. Enjoy a live game of Robot Soccer by Tech United from TU Eindhoven.
The event will take place at: Grote Zaal at Beurs van Berlage.
"Sponsor Raffle" - Wednesday, 13:00-13:20
See if you won at the Sponsor Raffle!
The event will take place at Effectenbeurszaal at Beurs van Berlage.
Closing Reception sponsored by Atlassian - Wednesday, 17:50-19:00
This is a great chance to chat with the speakers & attendees and get the answers to the questions you never got the opportunity to ask. Grab a drink and start mingling with speakers & attendees.
The event will take place at Beursfoyer at Beurs van Berlage.
This event is sponsored by Atlassian