GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Jevgeni Kabanov, TweetFounder and CTO of ZeroTurnaround

Biography: Jevgeni Kabanov
Jevgeni Kabanov is the founder and CTO of ZeroTurnaround, a development tools company that focuses on productivity. He wrote the first version of the ZeroTurnaround flagship product, JRebel, a class-reloading JVM plugin. Jevgeni has been speaking at international conferences for over 5 years, including JavaOne, Devoxx/JavaPolis, JavaZone, JAOO, QCon, TSSJS, JFokus and others. Jevgeni also started the first Java conference in Estonia, Geekout. He has an active research interest in programming languages, types and virtual machines, publishing several papers on topics ranging from category theoretical notions to typesafe Java DSLs. Jevgeni is on the Expert Group for the JSR 342 (Java EE 7). He has started two open-source projects -- Aranea and Squill.
You can follow Jevgeni on Twitter as @ekabanov. See for conference history and schedule. ojects.
Presentation: TweetImport Continuous Delivery
When you send a package through FedEx it goes through a tracked, automated process that makes sure that the package arrives promptly at the destination. The same should apply to every commit that you check into the trunk. Continuous delivery describes how this process can be made fully automated and transparent and we will show you how your commits can be “fedexed” to production on application servers like JBoss, Tomcat, Weblogic and others with the help from Jenkins and LiveRebel.
The main idea of continuous delivery is the deployment pipeline. Every commit that enters the pipeline should go through automated integration and testing and if successful, produce a release candidate. We will show how Jenkins can be used to orchestrate the process all the way to the staging environment.
Once we're there, the most complicated phase begins. The release candidate needs to be deployed to production, without disrupting the users or introducing risks. LiveRebel makes production updates quick, automated, non-disruptive and reversible. It finishes the job and delivers the updated version right into the users hands.
In this talk we will build a full clustered environment and a deployment pipeline so that commits into the trunk would update a live chat server while you keep on chatting.