GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Václav Pech, TweetSenior Software Developer and Technology Evangelist at JetBrains

Biography: Václav Pech
Václav is a programming enthusiast who's constantly seeking ways to make development more effective and enjoyable. He's particularly interested in server-side Java technologies, distributed systems, parallel programming, agile methodologies, modern programming languages and DSLs. He works for JetBrains as a senior software developer and a technology evangelist. On the side, he's leading the GPars project (, an opensource concurrency library, investigates the domains of neural networks, evolutionary programming and data mining.
Presentation: TweetUnleash your processor(s)
Does your processor laugh at your code? Does it dawdle, travel over other processes, does it seem bored all the time? Is it sluggish instead of taking full engagement and focusing properly on the work at hand?
It's your old-styled code that's failing here, code, which has been written for the processor's single-core grandpa. We all live in a new era now, single-thread has been out of fashion for a while and certainly doesn't appeal to young processors. I'd like to show you how to write in modern fresh multi-threaded style, so popular with these processor youngsters, a style, which doesn't let them sleep. Write about brave Actors, lay Fork/Join, mention Parallel Arrays, call in Agents and ensure smooth Dataflow. The processors will adore you for that and will work tirelessly to read your code start to end as fast as possible while making your applications lightning-fast again. If you want to harness all of the cores in modern multicore processors, this session is for you.
It's your old-styled code that's failing here, code, which has been written for the processor's single-core grandpa. We all live in a new era now, single-thread has been out of fashion for a while and certainly doesn't appeal to young processors. I'd like to show you how to write in modern fresh multi-threaded style, so popular with these processor youngsters, a style, which doesn't let them sleep. Write about brave Actors, lay Fork/Join, mention Parallel Arrays, call in Agents and ensure smooth Dataflow. The processors will adore you for that and will work tirelessly to read your code start to end as fast as possible while making your applications lightning-fast again. If you want to harness all of the cores in modern multicore processors, this session is for you.
Presentation: TweetGroovy actors and concurrent dataflow with GPars
Low-level concurrency handling is usually hard to get right. And it's not much fun either. Now, when parallel systems are the norm in the mainstream, it has become obvious that the common shared-memory multithreading causes more troubles than it solves. In this hands-on session we will go through the concurrency options that GPars (, an open-source concurrency library for Groovy and Java, gives to your Groovy/Grails/Griffon or Java applications. We'll cover parallel collection processing, fork/join, asynchronous closures, actors, dataflow concurrency and other concepts, which aim to make your code concurrent with little effort.
If you want to learn how to safely harness all the cores in modern processors, this session is for you.
If you want to learn how to safely harness all the cores in modern processors, this session is for you.