Thomas Ardal, TweetTrifork Software Pilot

Biography: Thomas Ardal
As a Software Pilot at Trifork A/S, Thomas Ardal has a solid background in developing desktop- and web-applications in both. NET and Java. In addition, Thomas is certified Scrum Master and has been working with agile development and Scrum since 2004. He is keen that his courses are practically oriented, focusing on code examples and real-life experience, rather than tedious theoretical slides.
Software Passion: I am a passionate Scrum and extreme programming fan who loves to disseminate best practices to external course participants as well as internal colleagues. A course with me is full of code and not a lot of PowerPoint slides. I believe very much in hands-on, why all my training includes exercises. You get plenty of practical experience in your toolbox, when attending my courses.
Workshop: Tweet"Agil .NET udvikling"
NB: This course will be thaught in Danish
I en agil udviklingsprocess er det ikke kun vigtigt, men essentielt, at der ikke går et halvt år mellem integrationen mellem systemer. Det har altid været en god ide med testdrevet udvikling og kontinuerlig integration, men til forskel fra en vandfaldsmodel, så er det en betingelse for at køre agil udvikling. Her er kurset du skal bruge, hvis du vil arbejde optimalt indenfor det agile felt. Hør fra en erfaren agil udvikler, hvordan man skal implementere brugen af TDD, hvilke tools man har til rådighed, hvad fordelene og ulemperne er, hvad er best practices og hvad er anti patterns i forhold til continuous integration.
Nøgleord: NET, Unit test, TDD, Mocks, Dependency injection, Code coverage, Continuous integration
Målgruppe: Målgruppen for dette kursus er alle, som ønsker at blive bedre udviklere med fokus på test-drevet udvikling og øvrige processer, som er essentielle for at arbejde i en agil organisation.