GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Dave Thomas, TweetFather of OTI, CEO of Bedarra Corporation

Biography: Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas has a wide spectrum of experience in the software industry as an engineer, professor, consultant, architect, executive and investor. Dave is founder and CEO of Bedarra Corporation; which provides virtual CTO and CEO, business mentoring and seed investment to emerging companies. Recently formed Bedarra Research Labs undertakes speculative research on applications of emerging software technologies.
Dave is best known as the founder and past CEO and president ofObject Technology International Inc. (formerly OTI, now IBM OTI Labs)and led the commercial introduction of object and component technology.The company is often cited as the ideal model of a software technologycompany.
He was also the principal visionary and architect for IBM VisualAgeSmalltalk and Java tools and virtual machines including the initialwork on popular multi-language IDE. OTI pioneered the useof virtual machines in embedded systems with Tektronix shipping thefirst commercial products in 1988. He was instrumental in theestablishment of IBM's Pervasive computing efforts and in particularthe Java tooling.
Dave is an adjunct research professor at Carleton University, and the University Of Queensland and is widely published in the software engineering literature. He is a popular humorous albeit opinionated keynote speaker. Dave remains active in various roles within the technical community including ECOOP, AOSD, Evolve, and Agile Development Conference, Agile/XP Universe and OOPSLA Onward. He is a founding director of the Agile Alliance and most recently a founder of Open Augment Consortium. Dave writes expert columns in Otland Online in Germany, and the Journal Of Object Technology in Switzerland where he also serves on the editorial board.
Twitter: @daveathomas
Personal website:
Presentation: TweetLightning Talks: Hard Things Made Easy part 1
Building the right thing in 5 questions / 10:20 - 10:30
In this talk Russ Miles, principal consultant at Simplicity Itself, will introduce and demonstrate how to use 5 little questions that can help you ensure you're building the right thing, rather than just building it right.
by Russ Miles
Make gestures work whatever happens / 10:35 - 10:45
The growing capabilities in terms of interactions promises better User Experience. But "better" is not true for everything possible. Reducing the gulf between humans and physical systems is not trivial! In the near future we will rather specify our intentions for our whole environment made of connected things of several kinds than for a single device. Based on a bunch of gadgets like the Kinect, Sascha shows you what to do it and what to avoid, creating more experience, usability and reliability with less waving around.
How to cram a desktop website worth of information on a mobile screen? / 10:50 - 11:00
In this lightning course I will explain basic principles for usable mobile websites and apps. You will find out that constraints of mobile devices are a blessing in disguise as they will help you to discover what's really important for your user.
by Liou Ymanae
Decisions Enable Productivity - The Art of the Best Wrong Answer / 11:05 - 11:15
Uncertainty, Risk, Ignorance, Fear, Disagreement are major productivity blockers that disrupt flow. Blocked individuals quickly cascade into blocked teams and even businesses. In this talk we discuss how make decisions so that you are your colleagues are not block.
by Dave Thomas
Presentation: TweetLegacy Evolution - The Innovation Opportunity
Legacy evolution remains a challenge as all approaches from full rewrites, outsourcing, SOA, and to Agile refactoring have proved disappointing at best. It is no surprise that most consider legacy and technical debt synonyms and legacy innovation an oxymoron. In this talk we describe an alternative lean approach to legacy evolution that focuses on high value tactical innovations that leverage new technologies and business practices.
We focus on legacy data and flow rather than legacy code which has been the primary focus for traditional legacy approaches. We illustrate common patterns for identifying high return opportunities and techniques for high payback. We discuss risk mitigation and management buy in for perceived high risk approaches.