GOTO Amsterdam (June 13-15, 2016) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more than 60 top speakers and 800 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Microservices, Rugged, JavaScript, Post-Agile, Data, Spring++, Connected Worlds & Philosophy.
Dave Thomas, TweetFather of OTI, CEO of Bedarra Corporation

Biography: Dave Thomas
Dave Thomas, Chief Scientist/CSO, Kx Systems, Co-Founder and past Chairman of Bedarra Research Labs (BRL), creators of the Ivy visual analytics workbench and ACM Distinguished Engineer. Founder and past CEO of Object Technology International (OTI), becoming CEO of IBM OTI Labs after its sale to IBM.
With a unique ability to see the future and translate research into competitive products, he is known for his contributions to Object Technology including IBM VisualAge and Eclipse IDEs, Smalltalk and Java virtual machines.
Dave is a popular, humorous, albeit opinionated keynote speaker with an impressive breadth of business experience and technical depth. He is a thought leader in large-scale software engineering and a founding director of the Agile Alliance.
With close links the R&D community Dave is an adjunct research professor at Carleton University in Canada and held past positions at UQ and QUT in Australia. He has been a business and technical advisor to many technology companies including Kx Systems.
Dave is founder and chairman of the YOW! Australia and Lambda Jam conferences, and is a GOTO Conference Fellow.
Twitter: @daveathomas
Personal website:
Presentation: TweetFast Data - Tools and Peopleware
For decades, many have argued for and against Dearden's "Myth of real-time management information" [HBR 1966]. Thanks to massive compute power, memory and storage it is now finally possible for modern enterprises to capture and process the totality of their data current and past. Given they have real-time data the challenge becomes how to clean, transform, query, analyze and present this in meaningful, actionable real-time information. In this talk, we discuss the challenges of working with the real-time data deluge from sensor IoT to Big Data.
We take a brief look at the world of big data tools, event processing, and skills as they exist today. We then discuss our experience building Analyst for Kx, an interactive visual analytics environment for Thinkers. Thinkers are the key enablers for a real-time enterprise and need a capability to Think-Compute-See and actively participate in problem solutions. We discuss user requirements for acquisition, preparation and visualization and our challenges developing solutions consumable by Thinkers that are built on state of the art software technologies fast data technologies.