GOTO Berlin is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 60 top speakers and 600 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture, Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes.
Brian Dorsey, TweetDeveloper Advocate at Google

Biography: Brian Dorsey
Brian is a Developer Advocate on the Google Cloud Developer Relations team. This means he helps people build cool stuff with their APIs. He focuses on the open source Kubernetes cluster manager and the Cloud Platform, especially Compute Engine and Cloud Storage. Brian writes sample code and creates demos, presents at conferences, and creates screencasts. Feel free to drop him a note if you have any questions about their APIs.
Brian has taught Python at the University of Washington & spoken at both PyCon US & PyCon Japan. He's a bit of a Python fan. (understatement) He's currently learning Go and enjoying it.
He loves it when people use technology to improve in-person communication. He has helped experiment via coworking, ad hoc lunch gatherings, and mini hackathons. It's great to see all the experimentation in this area. We live in amazing times!
Twitter: @briandorsey
Presentation: TweetKubernetes: Changing the Way That we Think and Talk About Computing
We're looking at a major revolution in cloud computing, the likes of Docker, CoreOS, Mesos, Kubernetes and many other technologies are not only changing the way we harness our computing power but are also changing the way that we need to think about it.
In this session we'll look at the new metaphors of computing through the lens of Kubernetes. We'll make use of the Kubernetes API and visualization libraries to get to a better understanding of the underlying mechanics of Kubernetes, we'll build clusters, schedule pods, group containers and expose services, and we'll visually demonstrate how they are all wired together.
But what about your data? With ephemeral containers, where does the data live? We'll cover that too.