GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Beat Schwegler, TweetHead in the Cloud, Feet on the Ground

Biography: Beat Schwegler
Beat is part of Microsoft’s technical evangelism and development team (ted), where he architects, designs, codes and delivers leading edge apps and services to showcase the Microsoft platform – with a special focus on cloud computing. Before joining Microsoft, he was an independent architect and developer and was involved in a wide variety of projects, ranging from real-time building control systems, best-selling shrink-wrapped products to large scale CRM and ERP systems.
Twitter: @cloudbeatsch
Presentation: TweetWindows Azure Mobile Services - A node.js based service backend for Android, iOS, HTML5 and Windows apps
WAMS provides flexible PaaS for building rich device backends, not just for Windows but also for Android, iOS and HTML5 apps. It comes with native SDKs for each device platform. It makes it easy to validate and persist data, leverage OAuth based user authentication and send push notifications to multiple device platforms. Custom APIs allow the creation of service endpoints and the integrated scheduler provides an easy way to run batch jobs – all implemented in node.js running on Windows Azure.