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Mike Atherton, TweetFreelance UX consultant'

Biography: Mike Atherton
Mike Atherton is an independent UX consultant and the former Head of User Experience for Huddle. With a background in information architecture and web design, Mike was once a lead IA with the BBC, working on structured content services for lifelong learning. He's a popular conference speaker and cake-eater, having given talks around the world about things like differentiation, domain models, and Disneyland.
Presentation: TweetBeyond the Polar Bear
Clients, Information Architects and UX practitioners need to think more like developers, looking beyond surface gloss to find what really makes for a compelling online experience, and build it into their products from the ground up.
Let's look at how the BBC radically restructured their website using content-centered domain modelling to better map to user’s mental models, create a user experience based around meaningful connections between topics, and unlock a wealth of archive content to be more findable, pointable, searchable and sharable. Domain modelling design breaks down complex subjects into the things people usually think about. With food, it’s stuff like ‘dishes’, ‘ingredients’ and ‘chefs’. The parts of the model inter-relate far more organically than a traditional top-down hierarchy. By intersecting across subjects, links themselves become facts, allowing humans and machines to learn through undirected user journeys.
It’s a process that brings together designers, developers, users and content strategists as creative partners from the very beginning. You’ll learn to unlock the potential of your content, create scalable navigation patterns, achieve simply fabulous SEO, and create scalable, semantically-structured products, stitched into the wider web.