GOTO Amsterdam (June 13-15, 2016) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more than 60 top speakers and 800 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Microservices, Rugged, JavaScript, Post-Agile, Data, Spring++, Connected Worlds & Philosophy.
Andreas Hallberg, TweetSecurity Software Engineer at TrueSec

Biography: Andreas Hallberg
Andreas Hallberg is a Security Software Engineer at TrueSec. When properly warmed up, Andreas can talk at length about secure development, web vulnerabilities and, on rare occasions, reverse engineering and practical applications of cryptography. He happily participates in large security-critical development projects, software security reviews and other impressive-sounding activities in software security.
Twitter: @andhallberg
Presentation: TweetSecure Coding Patterns
What is "secure code"?
This session will introduce you to a safe mindset when developing applications. You will learn how to make the concept of trust a first class citizen in your code, how to make validation enjoyable (ok, at least not insufferable) and know what to look for when reviewing code for security vulnerabilities. Secure coding patterns will make your code cleaner, more robust and less likely to cause your user table to end up on pastebin.
Prerequisite attendee experience level: beginner