GOTO Amsterdam (June 13-15, 2016) is a vendor independent international software development conference with more than 60 top speakers and 800 attendees. The conference covers topics such as Microservices, Rugged, JavaScript, Post-Agile, Data, Spring++, Connected Worlds & Philosophy.
Tom Mulder, TweetData Engineer at Wehkamp

Biography: Tom Mulder
An Data engineer at Wehkamp with over 20 years of experience in operations, design and development, With a passion for BBQ, Deep learning, machine learning and coming up with new solutions to (difficult) problems, helping our customers find products with ease.
Twitter: @darkseed
Presentation: TweetModelling Fashion at Wehkamp
Complementing Wehkamp's new website design, based on the Blaze micro-service architecture, a new data platform has been erected. The data lake is already taking on recommendations on the wehkamp site and in marketing e-mails.
In this presentation, we will showcase how we set up this DIY recommendation system. Beyond collaborative filtering methods, we will explain how to provide competitive content-based recommendations in the fashion domain.