GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Eva Andreasson, TweetCloudera

Biography: Eva Andreasson
Eva Andreasson has been working with Java virtual machine technologies, SOA, Cloud, and other enterprise middleware solutions for the past 10 years. Joined the startup Appeal Virtual Machines in 2001, as a developer of the JRockit JVM, which later was acquired by BEA Systems. Eva has been awarded two patents on Garbage Collection heuristics and algorithms. She also pioneered Deterministic Garbage Collection which later became productized through JRockit Real Time. Eva has worked closely with Sun and Intel on many technical partnerships, as well as various integration projects of JRockit Product Group, WebLogic, and Coherence (post the Oracle acquisition in 2008). After two years as the product manager for Zing, the worlds most pauseless JVM, at Azul Systems, she joined Cloudera in 2012 to help drive the future of distributed data processing through Cloudera's Distribution of Hadoop.Presentation: TweetSolving Real and Big (Data) Problems Using Hadoop
OK, so recently or in a near future your boss (or inner voice) will tell you "We need to figure out how we can utilize Big Data". Maybe you've heard about Hadoop, but you haven't really had the time yet to wrap your head around how to actually get more value out of new types and huge sets of data. What can Hadoop do for you? This is a talk giving examples of how Hadoop can be used for real world use cases. Attend this talk to get inspired and educated on how to use Hadoop and get your first Big Data insights using this popular scalable data processing and storage framework. We will walk through an example around analyzing social media data, and also look at other kinds of problems you can solve by presenting a couple of real world examples.