GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Gareth Rushgrove, TweetWeb geek, GOV.UK

Biography: Gareth Rushgrove
Gareth Rushgrove is now a technical architect at the Government Digital Service, part of the UK Government.
He is mainly interested in configuration management, infrastructure and platform as a service, deployment and monitoring tooling and the whole devops community. He thinks when used well together these allow you to move really fast, even in tightly controlled environments like Government.
Previously he has worked as a developer and/or systems administrator for large companies, startups and things in-between, in radio, financial services, and e-commerce. Now he's a Civil Servant.
When not working, Gareth can be found blogging over on or uploading code to GitHub. He also curates the devopsweekly newsletter. He's previously organised local BarCamps, technology user groups and helped out on the board of the hugely interesting Thinking Digital conference.
Twittter: @garethr
Presentation: Tweetif Government can do it...
The Government Digital Service is a new unit of the UK Cabinet Office
tasked with all things digital. It's made up of designers, developers,
systems administrators, product managers and Government policy
specialists - all building, running and helping to design large online
government services. Our tools include agile, multidisciplinary teams
with the ability to make fast decisions; close collaboration between
developers, operations and information security specialists; and
modern infrastructure and software as a service products. We look a
lot like a startup.
This will be a technical talk with lots of culture thrown in. We'll
discuss how we shipped GOV.UK, including:
* how we built our teams and technology to allow us to make changes to
the live service daily
* how we worked closely with security and auditing colleagues from day
one, not just as an afterthought
* how we moved infrastructure supplier quickly using modern
configuration management tools and APIs
* how we're now trying to spread some of these practices and
approaches around a super large organisation
* details of lots of the mistakes we made along the way