GOTO is a vendor independent international software development conference with more that 90 top speaker and 1300 attendees. The conference cover topics such as .Net, Java, Open Source, Agile, Architecture and Design, Web, Cloud, New Languages and Processes
Lars Kroll Kristensen, TweetDevelopment Director at Unity Studios

Biography: Lars Kroll Kristensen
Worked as a researcher in Ericcson telebit, 2001-2003. Founder and CEO of “Runestone Game Development” in 2003, developing the award winning “Seed”, the first MMORPG developed and launched in Denmark. Became employee number seven in Unity technologies, starting up Unity Studios in 2007 and has worked as Technical Director, then Development Director ever since.
Presentation: Tweet3D apps on any platform
Unity is growing to become the dominant tool for making not only 3D games, but all sorts of applications requiring 3D interaction.
It is a crossplatform tool, that allows you to publish to several different platforms, including PC/Mac/Linux, Web, Smartphones and Pads, plus Game Consoles.
Unity was developed in 2005 by the Danish company Unity Technologies (now headquartered in San Francisco), and has 2 million registered users.
The presentation gives a short introduction to how the tool works, and what makes it useful. Such as:
- fast iteration
- good integration with other content development apps
- Extensibility through Mono
- easy multiplatform deployment
- relatively low price (the basic version is free)
The talk will conclude with some examples of what can be done with Unity.
It is a crossplatform tool, that allows you to publish to several different platforms, including PC/Mac/Linux, Web, Smartphones and Pads, plus Game Consoles.
Unity was developed in 2005 by the Danish company Unity Technologies (now headquartered in San Francisco), and has 2 million registered users.
The presentation gives a short introduction to how the tool works, and what makes it useful. Such as:
- fast iteration
- good integration with other content development apps
- Extensibility through Mono
- easy multiplatform deployment
- relatively low price (the basic version is free)
The talk will conclude with some examples of what can be done with Unity.
Presentation: TweetGamification: Behind the buzz
Gamification and Tools
Wednesday 13:20 - 14:10
2nd Floor Balcony, Musikhuset
Gamification is one of those buzzwords thrown around in the IT industry, but what does it really mean? What are the core values in gamification? How can YOU benefit from it?
Lars Kroll will talk about how Unity studios has used gamification; the application of game technology and game design to non-game applications. He will show practical examples, and provide inspiration to anyone with an interest in product design, usability, user engagement, and even process optimization.